Sober living

Addiction Rehab for Seniors & Elderly Adults

substance abuse in older adults

Addiction Resource does not favor or support any specific recovery center, nor do we claim to ensure the quality, validity, or effectiveness of any particular treatment center. No one should assume the information provided on Addiction Resource as authoritative and should always defer to the advice and care provided by a medical doctor. Seniors take more prescription medications than younger adults, increasing the risk of misuse and harmful interactions.

The Role of Technology in Senior Addiction Recovery

substance abuse in older adults

Now, let’s take a look at addiction and misuse of specific substances. Rates of substance use, addiction, and related issues vary by age, gender, ethnicity, and other demographic classifications. Ali Rogin is a correspondent for the PBS News Hour and PBS News Weekend, reporting on a number of topics including foreign affairs, health care and arts and culture.

Lean Abuse AKA Codeine (Purple Drank) Addiction And Abuse

substance abuse in older adults

Also remember that symptoms of SUDs are often the same as symptoms of other physical diseases and mental disorders. You must rule out these other mental and physical disorders before making an SUD diagnosis. Level of safety at home, especially in terms of potential for violence. Note that substance use greatly increases the risk of intimate partner violence.

Online Resources

  • The number of adults aged 55 and over who sought out addiction treatments increased by more than 50 percent between 2009 and 2020.
  • In recent years, the number of senior citizens seeking addiction treatment in the United States has skyrocketed.
  • Every practice should select screening tools and develop procedures for who will give the screenings and when to give them.
  • Once you retire, problem drinking or drug use doesn’t interfere with your job.

Chronic pain, insomnia, and mental health conditions like anxiety or depression often lead substance abuse in older adults to overuse of painkillers, sedatives, or anti-anxiety medications. Alcohol abuse is another common issue, but its effects—such as confusion or fatigue—are frequently mistaken for normal aging. It should deal with their unique physical, mental, and social needs. Effective options include behavioral therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and detox programs. By customizing these approaches, healthcare providers can guide older adults to a lasting recovery.

An estimated 11% of older adults misuse prescription drugs, often involving pain relievers or anti-anxiety medications. The high rate of prescriptions in this population—older adults consume about 25% of all prescription drugs in the U.S.—contributes to this problem. The elderly are more vulnerable to the damaging effects of drugs and alcohol. Elderly drug abuse is more dangerous than in any other age group. Unfortunately, there’s no 100% way to be sure, but there are signs Oxford House a loved one may be abusing that one can look out for.

  • In fact, the number of older adults dying from alcohol-related causes rose by 18.2 percent between 2019 and 2020.
  • If you are concerned about your own drinking patterns or those of a loved one, talk to a health care provider.
  • It’s essential to understand why seniors are increasingly suffering from addiction so we can better prevent it in older adults.
  • Older adults, who may live alone or have limited social interaction, are more likely to hide their substance use, making it harder to detect.
  • She likes to say that advocacy is her passion and leadership is her superpower.

Inpatient Treatment

Do not assume that a score below 13 means the client does not misuse cannabis.334 The CUDIT-R is available in the Chapter 3 Appendix. Providers spend too little time with clients (and older adults in particular). The final section identifies targeted resources to support your practice, from screening to referral. A more detailed resource guide is available in Chapter 9 of this TIP.

substance abuse in older adults

What is a Substance Use Disorder?

substance abuse in older adults

For example, a client may need inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation, but your program only offers outpatient care. But in clients who misuse or are at risk of misusing substances, managing chronic pain becomes even more difficult. This is because substance use can often affect chronic pain in positive ways, even though the substance itself is harmful. For example, many older clients start taking pain medication to reduce physical discomfort. However, they may continue taking the medication to also manage emotional pain or to reduce withdrawal symptoms that occur when they try to stop taking it. Clients may misuse both prescribed and nonprescribed substances, such as alcohol, for such reasons.

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